W4GF Asia-Pacific Workshop on Gender Equality and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Bangkok, Thailand. 14 – 16 November 2013.

Outcomes Statements

A regional workshop with and for HIV and women’s rights advocates took place 14-16 November 2013 in Bangkok, immediately prior to the International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP).

Download a PDF of the statement
Read the statement online

Meeting Reports

Download a PDF of the report


Workshop Presentations For Asia-Pacific Women4GF


Background Documents

Numerous background documents are available for consideration and review. They are grouped under four headings:

Global Fund Documents
Publications and information about the Global Fund in general.
New Funding Model (NFM) Documents
Publications and information about the New Funding Model (NFM).
Evaluations of Gender Equality Strategy (GES) and SOGI
Evaluations of the Gender Equality Strategy (GES) and SOGI.
Gender Documents
Publications and information about gender.

If you only have limited time, you might refer to these four (4) documents:
Gender Equality Strategy
The Experience of Zimbabwe with the Global Fund’s New Funding Model
UNAIDS Support to Countries in the New Funding Model
Mainstreaming Gender into National HIV Strategies and Plans

Meeting documents

Pre workshop questionnaire

Pre workshop questionnaire



Logistics note


Private Documents

Private (password-protected) documents associated with this meeting are also available to meeting participants. These are working documents intended to support the workshop. THEY ARE NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION.

Asia-Pacific Women4GF Workshop Private Documents

Meeting Evaluation

Download a PDF of the report

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