COVID-19, women, gender and communities

To know more about some of the key recommendations that W4GF have made on COVID-19 please click here
Global Fund Resources
Global Fund overview of how funds can be and have been used to respond to COVID-19. Everything you need to know about Global Fund grant flexibilities and progress updates and disbursement requests.
Global Fund regular updates on the impact of COVID-19 on countries, and the Global Fund funds already allocated to the COVID-19 response. COVID-19 Global Fund Situation Reports.
Applicants can request C19RM funding through a Full Funding Request during four submission windows as well as make a Fast-track Funding Request on a rolling basis from 07 April 2021. Funding request materials can be found here. To read more about this check out W4GF Action Alert: Everything women need to know about the second phase of the Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) now in French, Spanish and Russian.
This new guidance is key to read: Examples of Community, Rights and Gender-related investments during COVID-19: summary of COVID-19 Guidance Notes and recommendations from Civil Society and Communities, which includes a key list of examples that women can apply for. This list is complementary to the C19RM Technical Information Note, specifically the activities found within the six intervention categories under Community Systems. These detailed activities are cross-cutting elements found across multiple intervention categories.
The Global Fund COVID-19 guidance and information notes are essential for countries to consider as they shape programmes in the light of COVID-19 – through grant flexibilities, new proposal development or as countries enter grant-making.
- C19RM Technical Information Note download in English
- Mitigation of COVID-19 Effects on HIV, TB and Malaria Services and Programs download in English | Español | Français
- COVID-19 Guidance Note: Community, Rights and Gender English | Español | Français
- COVID-19 Guidance Note: Human Rights in Times of COVID-19 English | Español | Français
- COVID-19 Guidance Note: Virtual Inclusive Dialogue English | Español | Français
- COVID-19 Information Note: Considerations for Global Fund Support for Tuberculosis English | Español | Français | Português
- COVID-19 Information Note: Considerations for Global Fund Support for Malaria English | Español | Français | Português
- COVID-19 Information Note: Considerations for Global Fund Support for HIV English | Español | Français| Português
Key commentary and analysis of the Global Fund approach to COVID-19
- Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) Key Asks of the Global Fund against COVID-19 and Français (April 2020)
- Aidspan: Community, Rights and Gender report to the Board requests input on COVID-19-related measures
Technical partners
Guidance from Technical Partners is essential for countries as they develop plans to address the impact of COVID-19, including with Global Fund funding. W4GF Advocates are strongly encouraged to draw on this technical guidance to make the case for Global Fund supported programmes and services and to encourage quality evidence based responses. (order: most recent)
- UNAIDS Six concrete measures to support women and girls in all their diversity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (June 2020)
- BMJ Journal Governance of the Covid-19 response: a call for more inclusive and transparent decision-making (May 2020)
- UNDP Brief Gender-based violence and COVID-19 (11 May 2020)
- WHO Gender and COVID-19: advocacy brief (WHO) (14 May 2020)
- Stop TB Partnership in collaboration with Imperial College, Avenir Health, Johns Hopkins University and USAID The potential impact of the COVID-19 response on Tuberculosis in high-burden countries: a modelling analysis (1 May 2020)
- UNFPA COVID-19 Technical Brief for Maternity Services (1 May 2020)
- UNFPA Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Planning and Ending Gender-based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage (27 April 2020)
- UNHCR: Displaced and stateless women and girls at heightened risk of gender-based violence in the coronavirus pandemic (20 April 2020)
- OHCHR COVID-19 and women’s human rights which highlights the impact of COVID-19 on gender based violence (15 April 2020)
- UN Secretary-General’s policy brief The impact of COVID-19 on women (9 April 2020)
- UN Women COVID-19 and ending violence against women and girls (6 April 2020)
- UNAIDS Rights in the time of COVID-19 — Lessons from HIV for an effective, community-led response (20 March 2020)
- UNICEF technical note: Five actions for gender equality in the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response
- UNODC Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) response – UNODC Thematic Brief on gender-based violence against women and girls
Documents from community and civil society networks and organisations
These documents come from key networks and are important for W4GF Advocates to be aware of given that we are a diverse group of women. (order: most recent)
- Information Note for CSOs on COVID-19 Testing (June 2021)
- COVID -19 Activity Risk Level (Jun 2020)
- Sustainability of Services (SoS) Project and Alliance for Public Health (APH): Lessons from COVID-19 to reshape a sustainable response to HIV, TB and HCV among inadequately served populations in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Russian (May 2020)
- The Irish Global Health Network and Esther Alliance: are running a series of webinars on the COVID-19 pandemic. The 7th webinar was co-hosted by Women in Global Health (WGH) Ireland – W4GF was invited to speak in this webinar. See the link here (1 May 2020) and a paper published following the webinar (May 2020)
- Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) and UNAIDS Joint Statement: Sex workers must not be left behind in the response to COVID-19 Impact of COVID-19 on sex workers (18 May 2020)
- International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW Global, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), and the Global Network of Young People living with HIV (Y+): A newsletter to share information, resources and inspiring responses (4 May 2020)
- GFAN: Statement from GFAN Speaker Maurine Murenga on World Malaria Day which also includes key messages on COVID-19 (Maurine Murenga – W4GF Advisory Group Chair) (25 April 2020)
- ICW Global: COVID-19 Communique English Ι Françias Ι Espanol Ι Russian (15 April 2020)
- International Network of People who use Drugs (INPUD): In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who use Drug (7 April 2020)
If you need additional information on gender and COVID-19 see UNESCO’s mapping of online articles on COVID-19 and gender