Cameroon (Focus Country)

W4GF is implementing its Accountability Toolkit with ten women who make up the W4GF Accountability Implementation Group in Cameroon. To read more about this click here.

All national work will be led by Health Development Consultancy Services (HEDECS). HEDECS is a women led organisation committed to the improvement of health and empowerment of communities. It is located in the city of Bamenda in the North West region of Cameroon, West Africa. Since 2008, HEDECS has facilitated the development of critical community health projects and implemented internationally funded programs in Cameroon. Reaching far into the remote areas they have capacitated rural clinics health staff, provided updated health information, empowered individuals and communities, addressed poverty alleviation, and generated research and improved health services. The W4GF Accountability Implementation Group in Cameroon is:

  1. Cynthia Wakuna –  HER Voice Fund
  2. Emilia Miki – Denis Miki Foundation
  3. Evelyne Lum – Hope for Vulnerable Children Association 
  4. Loique Chanel Kouankep – TRANSAMICAL
  5. Nancy Bolima – Health Development Consultancy Services
  6. Ngatcha Sonia Calixte Ndjamen – EMPOWER CAMEROON
  7. Nghombomboung  Glory Mbeghe  – Positive Vision Cameroon 
  8. Suzanne Bilo’o Meye – Cameroon Youths Network
  9. Tebi Honourine Azoh – Sustainable Women Organization
  10. Yougang Tame Henriette Nafissa – Women Organization for Worldwide Islam. 

Cameroon is a Central African country located at the bottom of the Gulf of Guinea and women account for 51% of the population and one of 13 priority countries to receive catalytic funding from the Global Fund for adolescent girls and young women. See their most recent funding request in English and French

According to UN Women:

  • Although women’s political representation in Cameroon’s National Assembly has increased in the last ten years (31.1% compared with 8.9% in 2007), women’s political participation remains low overall, with significant differences between national and local levels (only 8% of local councillors, and less than 2% of political party leaders, are women). 
  • Cameroon is engaged in gender responsive planning and budgeting evident in the existence of gender sensitive national sector strategies and action plans amongst others.
  • Though progress has been made to prevent different forms of violence against women and girls: criminalization of Female Genital Mutilation practices by the penal code (Act. 277-1), legal age of marriage at 18 for men and women. There are still concerns about the contents and effectiveness of the legislation intended to prevent sexual violence and provide protection and justice for the survivors of violence.

Key national strategies and policies that speak to the rights of women and girls in Cameroon include:

  • The Global Fund Strategy 2017–2022, “Investing to End Epidemics”, has programs to support adolescent girls and young women in 13 countries one of which is Cameroon.
  • Cameroon aims to be an emerging country by 2035, and has elaborated a vision to that effect, as well as intermediary strategic documents. As far as health is concerned, a 2016 – 2027 sectoral strategy and a National Plan for the Development of Health 2016 – 2020 have been devised by the government. 
  • Plan quinquennal 2020-2024 de reponse globale aux obstacles lies aux droits humains qui entravent l’acces aux services de lutte contre le VIH et la Tuberculose au Cameroon
  • PEPFAR country operating plan – country action plan for Cameroon (more coming soon)
  • Ministry of youth affairs
  • Ministry of women empowerment and the family

To find out more about W4GF’s Accountability work please contact the W4GF Global Coordinator Sophie Dilmitis or for more information about the national work contact Nancy Bolima