Global Fund Documents

Publications and information about the Global Fund in general.

To download a document, right click (or, control click if using a computer made by Apple) on the document’s link.

A video introduction to the Global Fund (just 10 minutes long) may be useful for those with limited knowledge of it:

Introduction to The Global Fund

Introduction to the Global Fund

The Global Fund Strategy 2012-2016: Investing for Impact
Original and full text of the official strategy as approved by the Global Fund Board in November 2011.

Gender Equality Strategy
Original and full text of the official strategy as approved by the Global Fund Board in 2008.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Strategy
Original and full text of the official strategy as approved by the Global Fund Board in 2009.

Community Systems Framework
Guidance prepared by the Global Fund Secretariat in 2011 aimed primarily at strengthening civil society engagement with the Global Fund, with a focus on HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The framework also is intended to be useful for the broader development approach, working on other health challenges and supporting community engagement in improving health outcomes.

HIV and Human Rights Information Note
Background information prepared by the Global Fund Secretariat to help applicants understand why and how HIV programming and interventions should meet a high human rights standard.

TB and Human Rights Information Note
Background information prepared by the Global Fund Secretariat to help applicants understand why and how TB programming and interventions should meet a high human rights standard.

Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) Information Note
Background information prepared by the Global Fund Secretariat to help applicants understand the value of strengthening communities to achieve effective HIV, TB and malaria responses. The note defines community systems as “community-led structures and mechanisms used by community members and community-based organisations and groups to interact, coordinate and deliver their responses to the challenges and needs affecting their communities”.

TB and Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) interventions
Global Fund PowerPoint presentation from October 2013 that summarizes the history of community systems strengthening (CSS) at the Global Fund and considers what the future might hold within the New Funding Model (NFM).

Community Systems Strengthening in the New Funding Model
Global Fund document providing an extensive analysis of community systems strengthening (CSS) within the New Funding Model (NFM), including information on the type of interventions that might be supported.

Harm Reduction for People Who Inject Drugs Information Note
Background information prepared by the Global Fund Secretariat to help applicants understand the value of funding and supporting harm reduction interventions for people who inject drugs, as part of HIV programming.

SOGI Information Note: Addressing Sex Work, MSM and Transgender People in the Context of the HIV Epidemic
Background information prepared by the Global Fund Secretariat to help applicants understand the value of funding and supporting targeted HIV interventions for some of the most vulnerable and affected populations.

Explaining the Global Fund

Global Fund 101
PowerPoint document prepared by the Communities Delegation of the Global Fund Board. It provides a basic overview of the Global Fund’s structures and systems.

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