Building Momentum: Gender Priorities Central to Global Fund – Executive Director Dybul’s Report to Board

The Global Fund Board started its 30th meeting today in Geneva, with Executive Director Mark Dybul (photo below) emphasizing the importance of doing more on gender equality.

Dybul stressed his personal concern about the vulnerability of women to the three diseases, and said that women – in particular young women – were not receiving adequate attention. Successfully responding to the needs and vulnerabilities of girls and women is “an important challenge that requires a collective effort”, he said. He announced that The Global Fund, for its part, would provide guidance to countries on the importance of providing data disaggregated by sex, age and key populations so that programmes are better targeted and address gender equality. He also pledged to keep the Board informed about the progress of implementing the Gender Equality Strategy.

At least seven of the Global Fund Board members also spoke out about gender – including those representing the United Kingdom and Australia, “Point 7”, Communities delegation, East and Southern Africa, West and Central Africa, Private Foundations and Germany. They emphasised the importance of making sure that the Global Fund has a real impact on the lives of women and girls.

Mark Dybul, Executive Director, The Global Fund

Mark Dybul, Executive Director, The Global Fund

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