Women4GF TB Advocates Meeting Evaluation

The key points raised in evaluation forms completed by participants at the Women4GF workshop for TB advocates held 27-29 October 2013 in Paris are:

Best thing about the workshop:
  • It motivated my thinking on how to ensure that gender issues are integrated in my programme work
  • Always look for gender disaggregated data
  • Very interactive sessions, high experts and well knowledgeable
  • Getting to understand the new funding model (NFM) – and TB/women
  • Participation, meeting was very participative
  • Relationships – meeting new friends
  • The participants and organizers
  • Learning more about gender and TB
  • Feeling confidence build about the Global Fund again
Advice and recommendations for improvement:
  • Allow more country lessons sharing so that we can learn more from each other
  • Extend this workshop to more groups especially in the countries that are preparing for their country dialogue
  • Give time to participants to share or present what is happening in their country in relation to the GES
  • Keep it up, movement building relies on ties and relationships
  • I feel some sessions were not exhaustive, need to allocate more time
  • It would be helpful to follow up on how we are implementing lessons learnt
Download the evaluation

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Paris Women4GF TB Advocates Meeting Evaluation (PDF file)

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