Women4GF Africa Workshop

A regional workshop with and for women in all their diversity (including women living with HIV, women’s rights advocates, women from key populations) will take place in Cape Town from 5-6 December before the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA). An introductory dinner for all participants is planned for 4 December.

The workshop is the fourth in a series designed to create a diverse, effective global mobilization of advocates who will strengthen women’s engagement with the Global Fund and seek to advance gender equality through its unique funding mechanism.

Previous workshops associated with the initiative took place in July 2013 (primarily for women’s rights advocates openly living with HIV), October 2013 (for TB advocates) and November 2013 (for advocates from the Asia-Pacific region, especially those representing populations disproportionately affected by HIV).

Agenda and Logistics

Final Agenda
The Workshop objectives, goals and schedule.

Accommodation and meeting venue, getting there, allowances, reimbursements, and other useful travel information.

Background Documents

Numerous background documents are available for consideration and review. They are grouped under four headings:

Global Fund documents
Publications and information about the Global Fund in general.

New Funding Model (NFM) documents
Publications and information about the Global Fund’s New Funding Model (NFM).

Evaluations of relevant Global Fund strategies
Evaluations of the Gender Equality Strategy (GES) and the strategy in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities (SOGI).

Gender documents
Publications and information about gender.

If you only have limited time, you might refer to these four (4) documents:
Gender Equality Strategy
The Experience of Zimbabwe with the Global Fund’s New Funding Model
UNAIDS Support to Countries in the New Funding Model
Mainstreaming Gender into National HIV Strategies and Plans

Private Documents

Private (password-protected) documents associated with this meeting are also available to meeting participants. These are working documents intended to support the workshop. THEY ARE NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION.

Women4GF Africa workshop private documents


Workshop presentations for the Women4GF Africa workshop

Women4GF Workshops

Outcomes Statement
November 2013: Asia-Pacific Women4GF Workshop (Bangkok)

Outcomes Statement
October 2013: Women4GF TB Advocates Meeting on improving the TB response from a gender perspective (Paris)

Outcomes Statement
July 2013: Global retreat for HIV and women’s advocates (Geneva)

Other Useful Resources

Global Fund Observer
A newsletter that provides in-depth, independent information about the Global Fund. It is published by Aidspan about twice a month.

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