UNDP’s Gender Checklist Available: Checklist for Integrating Gender into the New Funding Model of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria.

Download the UNDP Checklist for Integrating Gender (PDF file)

This Checklist has been developed to support the integration of gender-responsive components into the implementation of HIV programmes supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (the Global Fund), as their new funding model (NFM) is rolled out. The Checklist provides specific steps and examples to ensure that the gender dimensions of HIV are addressed in all phases of programming – from country dialogues, through proposal drafting to monitoring and evaluation. While the Checklist focuses on HIV, many items can also be relevant for tuberculosis and malaria. The audience includes UNDP Country Offices or other national partners acting as Principal Recipient, and the Checklist is also a valuable resource for Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Local Fund Agents, sub-recipients, and civil society partners.

The Checklist can be used in collaboration with UNDP’s On Course: Integrating Gender into National HIV Strategies and Plans; a step-by-step guide that focuses on the process of integrating gender issues and concerns into national HIV strategies and plans. This guide will help government and civil society partners to address multi-dimensional gender and human rights issues in their national HIV responses. It can also be used to guide UN Country Team actions and strategies for national development (e.g. UNDAF development or mid-term review), and is designed to align and be used along with the work of What Works for Women and Girls, the UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool and the Global Fund Gender Equality Strategy. Since the NFM recommends that the process of gender integration begins with a country’s national HIV strategy, the On Course guideline can be an especially useful companion to the Checklist.

The Checklist can also be accessed through UNDP’s Capacity Development Toolkit (CD Toolkit) for Global Fund grant implementation, which includes a module on enabling legal and policy environments for the three diseases. The Checklist is a part of the Enabling Environment Module of the CD Toolkit. The development of the CD Toolkit has been shaped by the Global Fund Strategy Investing for Impact 2012-2016, which i) recognizes the importance of a strategic investment approach; ii) has a focus on high-impact interventions that are supported by investments in addressing critical enablers; and iii) includes a strong focus on human rights, gender and key populations. It provides practical guidance on the opportunities in the NFM to address enabling legal and policy environments, including human rights, gender and key populations throughout the course of the grant cycle. It also provides practical tips on how to ensure that the NFM country dialogue includes the full range of stakeholders, including civil society groups representing people living with the diseases, key populations, women’s organizations and other vulnerable groups.

Together these tools will both enable a greater understanding and provide practical guidance to ensure that HIV programmes promote gender equality, and that gender sensitivity is a foundation of effective HIV responses.

For further information contact Susana Fried, Deputy Cluster Leader and Senior Gender, HIV and Health Advisor: Susana.fried@undp.org.

This is in line with UNDP’s Strategic Plan (2014-2017) which underscores the reduction of inequalities and exclusion as central to sustainable human development, informed by outcomes of inclusive growth, gender equality and universal access to basic services. It is also consistent with UNDP’s role in the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, where along with UNFPA and UN Women, UNDP co-convenes interagency efforts to meet the HIV-related needs of women and girls, and address gender-based violence.

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