News from Uganda

Women4Global Fund is committed to working with women in all their diversity to ensure that the Global Fund supports gender transformative programmes that support gender equality.

Through the women4GF workshops we have worked with many transgender women, and we are alarmed to have received this message from Beyonce and her colleagues at Transgender Equality Uganda, Women Arise for Change and Fem Alliance Uganda (FEMA). They are extremely scared and worried for their safety. This is their message to the Women4GF community:

The situation in Uganda due to the passing of the Anti Homosexuality Bill is bad, and a lot of violations are taking place. Some LGBT persons have been attacked by mob justice and have died, and others have been arrested.

It is really a scary moment for all of us since most of us are known activists and already people are hunting for us.

We can’t walk freely and our land lords are asking us to vacate our houses – we have no money to rent new safe places.

This new law criminalizes anyone who happens to know an LGBT person and doesn’t turn him/her in, therefore we expect arrests any time.

Religious leaders have also joined hands to attack us claiming that we are better dead.

Download the text of the act (a PDF file)

Read the Global Fund’s press release

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