Request For Proposal: Technical Assistance on Community Systems Strengthening, Human Rights, Gender and Key Population Engagement.

The Global Fund has a request for proposals for Technical Assistance on Human Rights, Gender, Community Systems Strengthening and Key Population Engagement in The Global Fund New Funding Model.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) from the Global Fund is to solicit proposals from potential suppliers who have technical expertise and experience in one (or more of the following areas:

1. Community Systems Strengthening
2. Human Rights barriers to accessing health services
3. Gender equality
4. Meaningful engagement of  Key Populations

Potential suppliers are requested to submit proposals to the Global Fund for the provision of technical assistance in at least one of the above areas to countries preparing to apply for funding under the Global Fund’s new funding model during the 2014-­2016 period.

The full document with all details can be found by clicking here

The closing date for proposals is Tuesday, 6 May 2014.

If you have any questions or require further information, contact Orion Yeandel:

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