Global Fund NFM Update May 2014

The W4GF Secretariat would like to update you on a number of the Global Fund’s recent activities with the NFM. The Global Fund Secretariat is producing a monthly NFM update, which describes progress from country dialogue to grant signing. Their May includes an update on the Global Fund Regional Meetings. Click here to read the full report. Key other information from the Gender Team includes the following:

Timing of submissions from countries:

The Global Fund has received submissions from fewer countries than expected in May. There was only one for HIV (from Moldova) and Haiti also put in a joint concept note for TB/HIV programmes. There were also 5 malaria proposals.  This means the Global Fund now expects a lot more applications either in June or August (there is no option for submission in July which is the European holiday month).  The Global Fund secretariat is expecting to receive HIV proposals in June from: Bhutan, Cuba, Gambia, Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Paraguay, Russian Federation (NGOs only), Senegal, Sudan, and Uzbekistan, as well as 4 TB/HIV proposals from Burkina Faso, Thailand, Ukraine and Zambia.

This is good news as it means there is some extra time for W4GF Advocates to influence in-country processes and make them more gender-responsive. We have had exciting news from W4GF Advocates involved in their country processes and will share that information with you in the next few days.

New e-learning modules

The Global Fund’s Access to Funding (A2F) team has recently launched a series of online courses to introduce and explain parts of the NFM.   Each e-learning module is on a particular topic, and they are designed for CCMs, TA providers, technical partners, civil society, governments and others.
The courses are available on a dedicated page on the Global Fund website:

They can also be accessed via the W4GF Info and Resources page which also contains other useful information.

Four courses are available now:
• Achieving inclusive country dialogue
• Civil society engagement (You can watch this E learning online or download a Zip file only)
• Understanding regional applications
Eligibility requirements for CCMs

In the coming weeks, the A2F team will be producing additional courses, including: Program split, Counterpart financing and willingness-to-pay, Concept note, Programmatic gap table and Modular template

Technical Assistance:

The Asia-Pacific regional NFM meeting will be in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 16-18 June. There will be a focus on gender as well as other cross-cutting issues, e.g. HSS, CSS, key populations and human rights. This meeting is designed to increase countries’ understanding of the need to achieve impact under the NFM through targeted strategic interventions, with a particular focus on key affected populations. The Secretariat does not have funds to bring W4GF Advocates to the meeting, but would be very keen to have gender equality advocates there – If your organisation can fund you to attend please contact Motoko: and let W4GF Secretariat know. 

We are also expecting the Secretariat to announce soon that there will be TA available for priority countries to expand their efforts on gender equality, as well as other cross-cutting issues following their recent RFPs. Also, several focused meetings are being held over the next few months – again central funds are not available but some of these may benefit from your input. Click here to download the document of all proposed regional meetings.

If you have any news to share on Global Fund processes in your country please share them below or email:

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