Participate in the US Government TB Strategy 2015-2019: Stakeholder questionnaire

Motoko has shared with us the ‘US Government TB Strategy 2015-2019: Stakeholder questionnaire’ from the USAID Bureau for Global Health, TB Team. She encourages W4GF TB Advocates to participate in the questionnaire; currently there are few references to gender equality and it would be great to have your inputs so this is integrated into the new strategy, given the close links between the Global Fund and USAID’s work. We hope you have time to complete this survey to continue to advance gender equality in line with the Global Funds GES.

Below is the message from the USAID Bureau for Global Health, TB Team

23 May 2014

As the U.S. government (USG) TB strategy for 2009-2014 has entered its last year of implementation, the USG has begun development of the second five-year strategic plan (2015-2019). As part of this process, the USG has initiated a broad consultative process with stakeholders to gather input about
1) the current strategy’s priorities and effectiveness; and 2) USG TB-related priorities to address TB care and treatment for 2014 and beyond.
We are seeking your input to inform the development of the second USG five-year strategic plan.

We expect that it will take you 20 minutes to complete this survey.

The survey responses will not be shared publicly. Please submit the survey only once per person.The survey will close on Monday, June 2, 2014.

 Thank you in advance for your time and participation.

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