Participate: Thurs 12th June – UNDP Gender Checklist. (Webinar)

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 11.06.44UNDP has asked Women4GF to organise a webinar on their behalf about the UNDP Gender Checklist which can be found here. The purpose of the webinar is to support gender equality advocates by introducing this important tool – W4GF Advocates from countries about to submit NFM concept notes will especially benefit from this webinar.

The webinar will take place on Thursday 12th June at 12-2pm UK,  Ipm- 3pm CET/South Africa/Zimbabwe, 2pm – 4pm Kenya/Lithuania/Ethiopia, 6pm- 8pm Bangkok, 7pm-9pm Malaysia, for other times in different countries click here.

Please note: On Tuesday 10th June, around the WAP+ Meeting in Bangkok, we will host another small webinar. 

If you are interested in participating in either webinar please email:

You will then be sent instructions of how to join, please note you will need reliable internet because of this UNDP and other technical partners are opening their offices to W4GF Advocates.


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