Nominations for Global Fund Community Rights and Gender Advisory Group – deadline: Monday 7 July

An important new Advisory Group at the Global Fund is being set up. The Community, Rights and Gender Advisory Group is being established to make sure the Global Fund Secretariat has an effective way to consult, and seek advice and guidance from gender equality experts, as well as key populations and people working on human rights and community systems strengthening. Members of the Advisory Group will need to contribute approximately 3 hours per week to virtual work, including calls, and attend occasional face-to-face meetings (the Global Fund would pay travel expenses etc).

The Advisory Group has space for two Gender Equality representatives – but it is unlikely that there will be space for more than one W4GF Advocate. W4GF nominations are particularly welcomed from key affected women and women living with HIV, or personally affected by TB and malaria, from the Global South. Please see the Terms of Reference for the Advisory Group for more information.

The deadline for nominating someone (or yourself) is Monday 7th July. Nominations must be sent to  Adam Garner – please copy in

Your nomination should include name, age, affiliated organisation, country of origin, country where you are currently based, and a brief description (no more than 100 words) of why you are suitable for the role. Please mention that you are part of the Women4GF movement.

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