Update: Kenya CCM approve plans to review CCM Guidelines.

Screen Shot 2014-06-17 at 12.49.48In a recent issue of The National Empowerment Network of PLHIV in Kenya (NEPHAK) Newletter there is a brief article on how CCM lobbying for women’s reps was successful as Kenya CCM approve plans to review CCM Guidelines:

The Kenya Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) to the GFATM has formed an ad hoc committee to review its constitution so as to align with the Funds New Funding Model (NFM). The formation of this committee has revived hope among communities who have been agitating for an additional slot in the CCM. The CCM was last reviewed in 2010 and provided for only one slot for communities. Last week, representatives of Communities living with HIV, TB and affected by Malaria and those vulnerable to the three diseases renewed their call for additional slots in the CCM. It is envisaged that an increase in the slots for communities will provide room and forum for representatives of the women living with HIV, TB community and key affected populations.

To read the full newsletter click here 

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