Stop TB Partnership Workshop on TB/HIV Gender Assessments: Building Capacity for TB Activists to Advance Gender Equality through Global Fund and National Programmes, Kenya, Nairobi. 13 – 15 January 2015.

January 2015 Workshop

TB/HIV gender assessments: Building the capacity for TB activists to advance gender equality through national and Global Fund programmes

[Note: The January 2015 workshop was not formally part of the Women4GF initiative. It is summarized here nonetheless because its focus, associated documentation and discussion are all highly relevant to Women4GF. Also, the workshop was co-organized by Women4GF’s hosting organization, AIDS Strategy, Advocacy and Policy (ASAP).]

More than 30 participants from a total of 21 countries gathered in Nairobi, Kenya from 13-15 January 2015 for a workshop aimed at supporting them to advance gender equality in their nations’ TB/HIV responses. AIDS Strategy, Advocacy and Policy (ASAP) organized and co-hosted the workshop along with the Stop TB Partnership, the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA).

The main objectives of the workshop were twofold:

  1. to help improve the capacity of the participants ‒ all of whom are TB, HIV and/or gender equality advocates ‒ to ensure that essential TB and HIV programmes fully reflect the highest quality gender-equity standards; and
  2. to provide space for community-based advocates to review and give feedback on a new TB/HIV Gender Assessment Tool developed by UNAIDS with the Stop TB Partnership (and supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria).

The workshop consisted of a series of informational presentations about TB and gender, as well as the Global Fund, and group work in which participants reviewed the draft Gender Assessment Tool and associated documents.

Background Information and Documents

The following documents are the full text of several of the presentations delivered at the workshop. Additional materials, including a meeting report, will be made available once they are finalized.

TB and gender equality: building a movement
The full text of a presentation, by a representative of the Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA), at the a January 2015 workshop on TB and gender in Nairobi, Kenya. The presentation includes background information on the different impacts of TB on women and men as well as definitions of key terms that can help clarify important gender equality and equity issues in TB responses.
TB and gender: some of the evidence (results from a rapid review)
The full text of a presentation, by a Jhpiego South Africa’s HIV/AIDS and TB Regional Technical Advisor, at a January 2015 workshop on TB and gender in Nairobi, Kenya. The presentation summarizes findings from a “rapid review” of evidence regarding TB and gender in scientific and research literature.
Journal article on gender in TB research
An article titled “Gender in tuberculosis research” from the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease in 2008. By using tuberculosis as a case study, the authors “outline the contribution of gender studies in the control of disease and highlight the ongoing challenges that need to be addressed to enhance the understanding of the role of gender in public health.”
TB, gender and the Global Fund
The full text of a presentation, by the Technical Advisor of the Global Fund’s Community, Rights and Gender Department, at a January 2015 workshop on TB and gender in Nairobi, Kenya. The presentation summarizes recent developments at the Global Fund in regards to helping “genderize” programmes, including the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy (GES). Opportunities for Global Fund support to community groups and advocates are also discussed.
Overview of the TB/HIV Gender Assessment Tool
The full text of a presentation, by a UNAIDS representative, at a January 2015 workshop on TB and gender in Nairobi, Kenya. The presentation provides an overview of a new Tool that aims to support in-country stakeholders to improve national programmes from a gender equality and equity perspective. At the time the workshop took place, the Tool was still in draft format ‒ and the feedback and input from workshop participants was to be used to help finalize it.
Lessons learned from application of the HIV Gender Assessment Tool
The full text of a presentation, by an African gender expert, at a January 2015 workshop on TB and gender in Nairobi, Kenya. The presentation summarizes some findings and observations from her work in applying UNAIDS’ HIV Gender Assessment Tool in several countries, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. The new TB/HIV Tool is based to a significant extent on the HIV-specific one.

More information about the workshop can be obtained by contacting ASAP at

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