Share best practices of community engagement around women and girls in Global Fund-related country processes

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria places strong emphasis on the meaningful engagement of communities and civil society organisations in its processes. The roll-out of the Global Funds current funding model over the past two years has created new spaces for engagement – through the country dialogue, concept note writing and grant-making processes. (Resources are available – see our e-learning courses or Engage! publication for more).

The Global Fund would like to create greater public and donor awareness about this development through sharing information about instances where improved community engagement is making a difference.  We hope that giving visibility to this progress may result in enhanced civil society and community engagement in other countries and contexts. The GF needs your support and collaboration to identify and document best practices of community engagement in Global Fund-related processes at the country level. The strongest examples will feed into a Global Fund short issue brief on how meaningful community engagement results in improved grants and programs.

Share examples of meaningful community engagement that have led to positive change, please take a moment to answer the three simple questions below. Based on your submission, the Global Fund Secretariat may be in touch with follow-up questions.  

Best practice submission: Respond to by June 10, 2015 

The following format should be followed:

Constituency or community you represent:

1.       Please briefly describe the example of meaningful community engagement in a Global Fund process at the country level, including the ‘who, what, where, why and when.’

2.      How did the above example of meaningful community engagement make a difference? What changed as a result of the insights/ideas/evidence shared by communities or civil society organizations? Please provide as much detail as possible, including if you are aware of follow-up actions or results that occurred. Where possible, please share concrete examples of how programs are achieving better results and greater impact as a result of civil society participation.

3.      Share photos or any media documentation of the engagement? If so, please describe the type and quality. Would you be willing to share these media with the Global Fund for use in communications materials?

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