Request for Proposals from the Global Fund Secretariat: Regional Civil Society and Community Support, Coordination and Communication Platform for (1) Latin America and the Caribbean and (2) Francophone Africa

Proposals due by 07 July 2015, 12:00 (Noon), Geneva time.

Request for Proposals for Latin America and the Caribbean and Francophone Africa (in English and French) can be accessed here.


The Global Fund Secretariat aims to support and strengthen civil society and community engagement at all levels of Global Fund processes. The Regional Platforms are part of the Community, Rights and Gender Special Initiative 2014-2016. The Special Initiative has three components:

  • Provision of technical assistance (TA) to civil society organizations to support their engagement in Global Fund funding requests from country dialogue up onto grant-signing
  • Regional civil society-led platforms to share information, opportunities and knowledge about the Global Fund with national civil society and community groups
  • Longer-term capacity development of key population networks to engage with the Global Fund, via a partnership with the Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund.


The Regional Platforms core functions are to:

  • Enhance knowledge of civil society and community groups on the Global Fund, including through maintaining local/regional listserve communications; sharing regular information updates about the Global Fund in local languages via email/web/conference calls; and supporting organizations to apply for the Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) Technical Assistance Program.
  • Coordinate with other technical assistance initiatives in the region, providing regular information to other regional programs about Regional Platform or CRG TA activities and ensuring communities are aware of existing opportunities.
  • Document capacity development gaps for civil society and community groups in the region, as well as periodically review how well existing technical assistance programs have been implemented from a community perspective.
  • Capacity development for civil society around the Global Fund at country level, including strengthening the ability of communities to participate in national strategic planning processes for HIV, tuberculosis and malaria; to review Global Fund concept notes; and to monitor civil society / community participation in Global Fund processes.


PERIOD OF CONTRACT August 2015 – December 2016 


This call for proposals is for civil society organizations based in Latin America and the Caribbean for Francophone Africa. Platforms hosts have already been selected for Anglophone Africa, Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) and the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Successful applicants must demonstrate solid understanding of Global Fund processes; extensive experience working on HIV, TB and malaria, including through supporting community responses; expertise approaching health programs and policies with a human rights and gender approach; and demonstrated existing relationships with a range of civil society, community, and key population networks and organizations within the region and at country level.

Applicants may submit a proposal as a single organization or as a consortium in partnership with other actors in the region. Proposals may be submitted in French or English.


Please carefully review the documents here to determine whether your organisation should apply, including the:

  • Request for Proposals
  • Conflict of Interest Declaration Form
  • Cost item template (separate Excel spreadsheet)


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