Open Society Foundations Consultation: Informing advocacy on Global Fund efforts in human rights, support to middle-income countries, and access to essential medicines

In April 2015, the Open Society Foundations convened a consultation of experts and advocates concerned about the future of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, particularly in the areas of preserving support to important programs in middle-income countries, realising the Global Fund’s human rights objectives, and the role of the Global Fund in supporting access to essential medicines.

Participants included leaders of civil society organisations representing the interests of key populations affected by the three diseases as well as organisations active in country-level Global Fund processes, health service delivery, and health-related human rights advocacy and programs. Meeting participants produced concrete recommendations to direct advocacy on Global Fund efforts in human rights, support to middle-income countries, and access to medicines.

These papers informed the discussion on access to medicines, middle income countries, and human rights, as well as the meeting report summarising concrete outcomes and recommendations to the Global Fund as part of its deliberations in its development of the 2017 – 2021 Strategy:

W4GF Advocates were represented at the meeting by the Global Coordinator, and a member of the W4GF Global Fund Strategy Development Working Group.

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