Civil Society and Communities – Nominations for the 3rd Global Fund Partnership Forum

The Third Global Fund Partnership Forum is taking in Buenos Aires, Argentina from September 3-4, 2015 (subject to change) gathering participants from countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Participation at the Partnership Forum is by invitation only, and Women4GF advocates are encouraged to apply to participate. 

The Partnership Forum will include key Global Fund stakeholders – including civil society and community representatives, representatives of implementers and in-country stakeholders, representatives of stakeholders with an existing governing, funding or assurance role and global and regional stakeholders and partners. Priority will be given to in-country partners, and to ensuring a balance of voices from different stakeholder groups. Selection of Nominees is the Responsibility of the Relevant Global Fund Oversight Committee.
This call is for Nominations from local, Regional and international Civil Society and Community Organisations and Networks only. Other participant groups are asked to reach out to your internal Global Fund focal points for further information or contact the email address below.

Nominations Should be Submitted using the following link to the Partnership Forum Nomination form  Submitted and on-line. Further Questions May be addressed Via Email to:  partnershipforum@theglobalfund.orgNomination Forms are available in Spanish, French and Russian and May be Requested using the above Email address.

Nominations must be Submitted by Close of Business on  15th July, 2015 .


La presente convocatoria se realiza para la presentación de candidaturas solamente de la sociedad civil local, regional e internacional y las organizaciones y redes comunitarias

Estimado asociado:

El Foro de Asociados 2015 proporciona una oportunidad única para que el Fondo Mundial de lucha contra el sida, la tuberculosis y la malaria llegue a una amplia variedad de partes interesadas para que se lleven a cabo consultas y aportaciones de ideas durante la preparación de su Estrategia 2017-2021. El tema del Foro de Asociados 2015 es ” Diseñar nuestro Futuro: colaborar para conseguir un Mundo saludable más “.

El Foro de Asociados de Buenos Aires, el tercero en esta serie de consultas, se celebrará los días 3 y 4 de septiembre de 2015 * y reunirá a participantes procedentes de países de América Latina y el Caribe y de Europa oriental y Asia central. La participación en el Foro de Asociados se realiza exclusivamente por invitación y los interesados ​​en acudir deben presentar candidaturas.

El Foro de Asociados incluirá a partes interesadas clave del Fondo Mundial -incluidos representantes comunitarios y de la sociedad civil, representantes de entidades ejecutoras y partes interesadas del país, representantes de partes interesadas que ejerzan una función de gobierno, financiamiento o garantía y partes interesadas y asociados regionales y mundiales. Se dará prioridad a los asociados del país ya conseguir un equilibrio de voces de diferentes grupos de partes interesadas. La selección de candidaturas es responsabilidad del comité de supervisión pertinente del Fondo Mundial.

Esta convocatoria está destinada a la presentación de candidaturas solamente de la sociedad civil local, regional e internacional y de las organizaciones y redes comunitarias. Se solicita a otros grupos participantes que se comuniquen con sus puntos focales del Fondo Mundial para obtener más información o que se pongan en contacto con la dirección de correo electrónico que figura al final de este comunicado.

Las candidaturas Deben presentarse en línea Mediante el enlace al Siguiente Formulario de presentación de candidaturas  del Foro de Asociados. Cualesquiera otras Consultas pueden por Correo electrónico enviarse A:  partnershipforum@theglobalfund.orgFORMULARIOS de Los candidatura están disponibles en español, francés y Ruso y pueden solicitarse utilizando la Dirección de Correo electrónico arriba citada.

Las candidaturas deben presentarse a más tardar el  15 de julio de 2015 . Si tiene alguna Duda Respecto del Proceso de designación, Contacte con el equipo de Desarrollo de la Estrategia y Coordinación del Foro de Asociados en

* Nota. Las fechas están sujetas a cambios.


This invitation for nominations concerns only local, regional and international organizations and civil society networks, organizations and community networks.

Dear Partner,

Partnership Forum 2015 creates the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a unique opportunity to attract a wide range of stakeholders to participate in consultations and to ensure their contribution to the development of the Strategy for 2017-2021 years. Theme Partnership Forum 2015 –  “Shaping our future: cooperation in order to create a healthier world” .

Partnership Forum in Buenos Aires, the third event in the current round of consultations will be held from 3 to 4 September 2015 * and unite participants from Latin America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Participation in the Partnership Forum is by invitation only, so interested parties are invited to nominate their candidates.

The Partnership Forum will be attended by the main stakeholders of the Global Fund, including representatives of civil society, communities, artists, stakeholders in the countries concerned by the existing organizations engaged leadership, funding, or providing functions, as well as representatives of global and regional stakeholders and partners . Priority will be given to partners in the countries and to ensure the balance of voices of different interest groups. The selection of candidates will be proposed to implement the corresponding supervisory committee of the Global Fund.

This invitation for nominations concerns only local, regional and international organizations and civil society networks, organizations and community networks.  Other groups of participants are requested to contact the respective coordinators of the Global Fund for more information or contact the following address e-mail.

Candidates should submit online using the following link to get the form to nominate candidates for participation in the Forum partners . Additional questions can be sent by e-mail at the following address: . If you can not get access to an online form, the form in hard copy can be requested at the above e-mail address.

Please submit nominations to the close of business on  July 15, 2015 . If you have any questions regarding the nomination process, contact the Coordination Unit of issues related to strategic planning and the Forum partners at: .

* Note: the date can be changed.


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