8 Million Reasons to Invest in Global Health

The Global Fund partnership formally presented the investment case for mobilising US$13 billion for the three-year replenishment cycle that begins in 2017 at the Preparatory Meeting in Tokyo, Japan on the 17th December 2015.

Building on significant progress, a US$13 billion contribution would support programs that:

  • Save up to eight million lives;
  • Avert up to 300 million new cases of HIV, TB and malaria;
  • Lay the groundwork for potential economic gains of up to US$290 billion in the years ahead.

Download the full report here.

Leaders in global health met at the Preparatory Meeting of the Global Fund Fifth Replenishment, held in Tokyo on 17 December, to address the challenge of funding programs to accelerate the end of HIV, TB and malaria as epidemics and build resilient and sustainable systems for health. To mark the world’s remarkable progress, the Global Fund released a new short film, “AIDS, TB & Malaria: End It. For Good.”

Click here to watch this short film.

We need to invest now to make this a reality – or risk resurgence of the diseases. Every contribution matters.

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