Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN): We need the Global Fund: Stories from the GFAN Speakers Bureau

Multimedia for 5th replenishment campaigning

We encourage Women4Global Fund to use these multimedia tools for your online and in-person campaigning!

GFAN members’ and partners’ have produced four stories featuring members of our GFAN Speakers Bureau for the 5th Replenishment campaigning.

Each of them – Clara, Louie, Anton and Loyce – either through video or photo have shared their personal experience about how Global Fund invests in HIV, tuberculosis and malaria programs have impacted their life, their families and their communities – these are the lives saved by the Global Fund. Their message is clear: we need the Global Fund now to save lives today, because the end the epidemics is within our reach.

GFAN Speakers are also available to attend events and meetings and to take part in media work and online initiatives, such as calls and articles. Read more in our Speakers Bureau toolkit.

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