WHO call for case studies on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV

Calling W4GF advocates to highlight innovative and successful policies and programmes on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV

The Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) of the World Health Organisation (WHO) is developing a consolidated Guideline on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV.

WHO would like to include in the Guideline some illustrative case studies, highlighting innovative and successful policies and programmes in this area.

WHO is requesting interested individuals, as well as international and national organisations, civil society networks, NGOs, and other entities which manage or implement policies and programmes for women living with HIV, to submit relevant case studies that have demonstrated successful approaches to service delivery and uptake, (optional 1 or 2 illustrating photographs), to WHO for its consideration for selection and inclusion in the Guideline.

Click here further information.

PLEASE SEND THE CASE STUDY TO: reproductivehealth@who.int
INCLUDE SUBJECT HEADING: Case Study: SRHR for women living with HIV
DEADLINE: 15 July 2016

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