GFAN Advocacy Brief: Key Populations and the Global Fund: Delivering Key Results

The Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN), in partnership with ICASO and the Free Space Process, have released an advocacy brief aimed at stakeholders who are involved in the 2016 High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS. The meeting is taking place from 8-10 June 2016 in New York, where country delegations from around the world will adopt a new Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS.

The brief is an advance summary of a forthcoming publication which examines the evidence around the vital role that key and vulnerable populations play in advancing results through Global Fund investments. The full report will be available in the coming weeks.

To down load the full report click here “Key and vulnerable populations are present in all continents (despite continuing ‘official’ denials of their sheer existence) and addressing their needs is not only a human rights obligation: science has taught us that this is a critical requirement from an epidemiological and public health point of view. Strategic investments in groups focusing on gender equality, women and girls, and human rights are equally vital. Anything less than a fully funded Global Fund replenishment will therefore undermine the scale up needed.”

Key Messages

  • Investment in key and vulnerable populations is needed now more than ever. It is essential to meeting global commitments on HIV, TB, and malaria. We will not achieve the Global Fund Strategy or the SDGs without the scale-up of key population programs.
  • The Global Fund plays a unique role in investment for key and vulnerable populations. It supports countries to scale-up high quality interventions for key populations – those that are rights- and evidence-based, responding to globally agreed upon good practice and normative guidance.
  • Beyond its investments, the Global Fund has a crucial catalytic role – mobilising domestic funding for key and vulnerable populations, supporting the transition to local ownership, and improving the legal and policy environment.
  • The Global Fund gives key and vulnerable populations a voice, providing unique opportunities to engage in national governance structures and all stages of the New Funding Model.
  • The Global Fund places key and vulnerable populations at the heart of its work – providing a ‘package’ of supportive strategies, policies, and processes.
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