GFAN POSTING: Government of Canada Call to Action and Communications Toolkit for the 5th Global Fund Replenishment Conference

Approximately 50% of the Global Fund investments supports procurements of medicines; health products and equipment. Given that these important features will remain central in building resilient and sustainable systems for health, ensuring that more than US$13 billion is pledged by donors for the Global Fund 5th Replenishment is essential to make real progress and scale-up gender transformative interventions. The Global Fund, and the global community, will fail to end the epidemics if there is inadequate financial support to achieve its committed mission of addressing gender inequality and human rights.


Global Fund Advocates Network  (GFAN) Posting

The Government of Canada and the Global Fund launched a Call to Action and 2 Communications Toolkits (here) in the lead-up to the 5th Global Fund Replenishment Conference taking place in Montreal, Quebec on September 16th and 17th, 2016. You can find the call to action linked in the message below, as well as some key activities for you to take action on. The Global Fund will also be hosting an online calendar of partner events happening during the replenishment conference, that we will circulate as soon as it is live!

How you can participate!

In the toolkits linked above you’ll find social and traditional media tools to use, share, and amplify between now and the replenishment conference on September 16th and 17th:

  • Call to Action email: a personal message from Marie-Claude Bibeau, Canadian minister for International Development and la Francophonie, calling on partners to use the toolkit and help promote the conference
  • Social Media: There are some fantastic graphics, GIFs, and videos that you can share on all your social media platforms
  • Thunderclap: Join the official replenishment conference Thunderclap!
  • Talking Points: Need to brush up on your Global Fund facts and messaging? The Talking Points document provides some great statistics on Global Fund achievements, as well as key messages for the replenishment conference.
  • Global Citizen Concert: Planning on being in Montreal on September 17th? Take action with Global Citizen, and earn yourself a free ticket to the special replenishment concert featuring Usher, along with other incredible international and Canadian artists!

The Global Fund launched the “End It. For Good.” campaign to raise awareness of the need to end these epidemics. Please help us to build strong momentum leading up to the Global Fund’s Fifth Replenishment Conference in Montréal.

Watch this video. Our generation has the power to #EndItForGood.

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