The Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+) is looking for Board members.

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The Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+) is looking for Board members.
The following areas and groups will be considered in selecting Board members:

  • Regions: Africa, North America, Latin America & Caribbean, Europe & Asia.
  • Populations: MSM, transgender people, young people, women, indigenous groups, people who use drugs, sex workers, men, migrants, disabled people, incarcerated people.


Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+) Reposting:
GNP+ calls for interested and skilled people living with HIV to join the GNP+ Board. This is an open call to all people living with HIV from all regions, all ages and every walk of life.

Are you living with HIV? Loaded with skills and expertise you are willing to share? Do you know what is lacking in the HIV response? Have a vision how we can improve the quality of life of people living with HIV worldwide? Apply to become a GNP+ Board Member!

New GNP+ Structure, New GNP+ Board
At the Board Meeting in July 2016, the GNP+ Board agreed to make big changes to the organisational structure of GNP+. The Global Network will change from a network of regional and population-based organisations to a network of individual people living with HIV that works in close partnership with global, regional and national organisations.

As a consequence, the Board also agreed to change its governance structure from a Board of Directors to a Supervisory Board model. The GNP+ Executive Director will report to the Board, and Board members will now be selected based on pre-defined criteria identifying the skills and expertise that GNP+ needs for effective governance and organisational growth.

The current Board will be replaced in its entirety, though two members of the current GNP+ Board will be asked to stay on for one year to guarantee a responsible transition. The newly restructured Board will have 11 seats.

Selection Process
The Board Members selection process is a step-wise process. Applicants will at every step of the process be informed of the status of their application. After the deadline, a Board sub-committee will first check the applications for the basic criteria. From the remaining applicants a shortlist will be developed. The shortlist will be reviewed and if necessary a reference check and interviews will take place.  The sub-committee will develop a report from these interviews and reference checks. The Board will then meet by teleconference to make selections for the new Board members. The final selection will be announced by December 1, 2016

Check the GNP+ website to access the Application Form and read more about the new GNP+ structure and what is required of Board Members.


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