W4GF World AIDS Day Statement: Reaffirming global solidarity among women in all our diversity: One community living with and affected by HIV, TB and malaria

Many of us at Women4Global Fund (W4GF), as well as our families, friends and communities, have benefitted from the major advances over the years in HIV, TB and malaria around the world. Yet we are deeply concerned about the future as progress is stalling and we must work to halt these devastating trends.

We live in a time where the world seems more divisive and exclusive and funds for and commitment to communities with HIV and TB are dwindling. Governments agreed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) anchored by the principle of “leave no one behind” and at the same time take steps that will do precisely that……

Let 2017 be the year that our efforts result in adequate funding from donor governments as well as from our own governments. More than ever before, let us achieve critical and long-lasting breakthroughs in obtaining justice and addressing negative assumptions and stereotypes, stigma and discrimination, violence, racism, sexism and ageism in our homes, communities and at the national level. We have worked too hard to let the gains made slip through our fingers.

Read the full Statement here

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