Requiring Technical Assistance at the National Level? Check out the available support NOW!

The Global Fund’s first submission window for accepting funding requests was March 20th 2017.  The Global Fund received 93 funding requests, which the Technical Review Panel (TRP) will review between April 23rd and May 2nd 2017. 4 countries (Uganda, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Lesotho) submitted applications as part of the 13 countries where the Global Fund has a priority focus on supporting investments focused on adolescent girls and young women (AGYW).

For W4GF advocates still engaged in the process and for countries planning to submit in Windows 2 (23 May 2017) and 3 (28 August 2017) check out the simple technical assistance (TA) form where you can apply to access support from the Global Fund Community Rights Gender (CRG) Technical Assistance Programme here.

The TA provides support to civil society and community organisations to meaningfully engage in the Global Fund model, during: country dialogues; funding request development; grant-making; and through to implementation.

The Global Fund has an on-line funding request status tracker to reflect all received submissions and those still to come in windows 2 and 3 which can be viewed under related resources here. This is helpful for W4GF advocates who would like to track the process and know when funding requests are to be submitted.

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