REPOSTING: GFAN Speakers Bureau

Women4Global Fund advocates are encouraged to apply to the Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) Speakers Bureau. Given the uncertain funding landscape – this is an opportunity to mobilise resources through sharing personal life experience and perspectives on the Global Fund – to create awareness and increase political will – mobilising resources for the Global Fund.


GFAN is seeking a new group of people for the GFAN Speakers Bureau. These individuals will, as much as possible, represent the diversity of people who are affected by the 3 diseases: men and women of all ages, people from countries around the world and people representing those key populations and communities that are most affected.

In 2015, the GFAN Secretariat brought together 8 people to join a newly created Speakers Bureau – a group composed of people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, TB and/or malaria who have seen the impact of the Global Fund in their lives and can share their stories to assist in resource mobilisation and advocacy.

Since then, speakers have attended numerous events hosted in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific, including high-level meetings, Global Fund replenishment announcements, parliamentary briefings and round-table discussions.

The nomination and application package includes:

Please review and complete all of these documents before submitting.


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