Save the Dates: Monthly W4GF Webinars: With EANNASO and the Global Fund Secretariat

W4GF has so far hosted three webinars this year, which focused on the following areas:

  • Updates from the Global Fund Secretariat and W4GF advocates engaging at the national level to submit funding requests;
  • Feedback from the regional meetings of the Regional Platform for Communication and Coordination for Anglophone Africa, hosted by the Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO). The Regional Platform is part of the Global Fund’s Community, Rights and Gender Special Initiative (2014-2016).
  • Short-term Technical Assistance available through the Global Fund’s Community, Rights Gender Department.
  • The Global Fund Applicants Handbook and The Global Fund Modular Framework and
  • Sharing lessons of “what worked” from W4GF advocates and partners who submitted funding requests in Window 1 (March 20th) with those submitting in Window 2 (May 23rd).

Women4GlobalFund will continue to host these webinars in partnership with EANNASO and the Global Fund Secretariat, to create space for advocates to continue talking and sharing lessons specific to women and gender champions. The webinars are also a vital opportunity to continue highlighting experiences, successes and challenges among the 13 countries that are eligible for matching funds to address the HIV epidemic among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW).

These webinars will take place on the first Tuesday of each month at the same times on the following days

  • Tuesday May 2nd
  • Tuesday June 6th
  • Tuesday July 4th
  • Tuesday August 1st
  • Tuesday September 5th

The webinars will take place across the following time zones. Double check time zones here for Harare 15:30 – 16:30 (CAT) if your country is not on the list below:

  • USA (New York)/Bolivia (La Paz): 09:30 – 10:30hrs
  • Argentina (Buenos Aires): 10:30 – 11:30hrs
  • United Kingdom (London)/Cameroon/Lagos: 14:30 – 15:30 hrs
  • Zimbabwe/South Africa/Malawi/Namibia/Geneva/Amsterdam: 15:30 – 16:30 hrs
  • Kenya/Uganda/Tanzania/Ukraine: 16:30 – 17:30hrs
  • Indonesia/Thailand: 20:30 – 21:30hrs
  • New Zealand: 02:30 – 03:30hrs

Details will be shared on how to log in closer to each webinar. We look forward to your active participation and engagement!


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