Stop TB Partnership launches Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 8

According to the 2017 WHO Global Tuberculosis Report TB prevalence is higher amongst men than women and the same is true for the 15–24 year age group. Given this fact it is essential that we continue to develop a solid understanding of the gender-related challenges that drive Tuberculosis to improve and expand effective programmes that enable supportive diagnosis and treatment – expanding safe environment to reduce barriers to TB services


On 4 December 2017 the Stop TB Partnership, with the support of USAID and the Global Fund launched the call for proposals for Round 8 of the Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS). CFSC Round 8 is to contribute to expanding access to quality TB prevention and care services to community- and hard-to-reach settings. Applicant organisations must consider activities that fit under one or both of the following categories:

  • Boosting demand and access to TB services
  • Improving the quality of TB service delivery

CFCS Round 8 will award grants of up to US$ 40,000 to civil society, community-based and non-governmental organisations working at a national and sub-national level. 

Registered civil society, community-based and non-governmental organisations working at national or sub-national levels in the countries listed below are eligible. Collaboration with civil society and community regional and global networks is encouraged.

CFCS Round 8 Eligible Countries
Bangladesh, Cambodia, DR Congo,  India,  Indonesia,  Kenya,  Mozambique, 
Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania and Ukraine.

Deadline for submitting applications is Friday, 12 January 2018 (18:00 hrs Geneva time).

Grant period
The grant will cover the period 28 February 2018 – 27 February 2019

Applicants can ask questions to the CFCS team via 11 January 2018.

Examples of activities to be considered for funding include
Boosting demand and access to quality TB services:

  • Building awareness of TB using original means and involving non-traditional actors (e.g. in schools, places of worship, women’s groups etc.);
  • Building community networks and partnerships for collective, coordinated engagement and advocacy;
  • Facilitating dialogue and strategic engagement in the UN High Level Meeting on TB;   
  • Implementing creative advocacy to improve TB policy, governance and service provision; and
  • Enhancing an enabling environment to reduce barriers to TB services (e.g. human rights, gender, stigma related).

Improving the quality of TB service delivery:

  • Developing or strengthening community outreach programs, to link people suspected of having TB to health facilities (especially key and hard to reach populations);
  • Developing or strengthening patient support group programs, linking services and treatment adherence support;
  • Introducing novel treatment literacy initiatives; and
  • Conducting TB community-led monitoring for social accountability.
 For more information on the application process, here.
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