Generic Checklist to Support the Implementation of WHO 2017 Guideline on the SRHR of Women Living with HIV

W4GF advocates please note this important new tool that supports communities of women living with HIV to influence policy.

Women living with HIV, in all their diversity, continue to face barriers to accessing services that meet their sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). Violence, intimidation, stigma and discrimination are a few of the deterrents women face when accessing essential services in many health settings

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Guideline on the SRHR of women living with HIV is a monumental step in prioritising and addressing the SRHR of women living with HIV.

To reinforce the implementation process a generic Checklist was developed to support national action. The Checklist is available here and was developed by the Salamander Trust with support from WHO. This was in collaboration with diverse networks of women living with HIV and was launched at the end of March 2018. The Checklist is integral to ensure that the guideline is fully implemented.

It is an advocacy tool with six stages and 15 steps, which supports women, in all their diversity living with HIV, to actively engage and ensure the full implementation of the Guideline.

For more information on the Consolidated Guideline and the official statement on the Generic Checklist click here 

To read the full release click here

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