Establishing a WHO Advisory Group of Women Living with HIV


The World Health Organization (WHO), building on past collaboration with women living with HIV, is seeking to establish an advisory group of women living with HIV.

Directors of the WHO departments of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) and HIV have led a process to develop the terms of reference for an advisory group building on useful inputs from communities, including a proposal submitted by the Salamander Trust, on behalf of a diverse range of women living with HIV, on 9 March 2019.


The purpose of this Advisory Group (proposed to be established for an initial 24-month period) is to:

  • ensure the perspectives of a diverse group of women living with HIV are heard and considered across WHO in relation to HIV and/or sexual and reproductive health and rights;
  • ensure diverse positive women’s voices inform broader WHO priorities, for example those related to achieving universal health coverage and primary health care;
  • provide non-binding advice to the Assistant Director-General Universal Health Coverage / Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases and the Assistant Director-General, Healthier Populations and inform, as appropriate, deliberations of relevant WHO scientific and technical bodies, including the WHO Guideline Review Committee (GRC), the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Committee on HIV and Viral Hepatitis (STAC HIV-HEP), the WHO Gender and Rights Advisory Panel and/or the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group on Reproductive Health;
  • support implementation of, and review and monitor progress since publication of the 2017 WHO Consolidated guideline on sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV;
  • ensure diverse positive women’s voices meaningfully inform the 2019 HIV ARV guidelines update including through participation in the values and preferences work at global and country levels, which is being convened by ITPC under a WHO contract;
  • ensure women living with HIV are updated on changes and opportunities emerging at WHO as part of its transformation.

It is proposed that after 18 months the advisory group undertakes a process to evaluate whether there may be a need for any extension or evolution of the group beyond its initial 24-month period.

WHO will determine participation based on the criteria described below to ensure diverse perspectives are included within the advisory group. The criteria build on suggestions from the 9 March 2019 proposal:

  • Women living with HIV over the age of 18 who are, or have been, affiliated with networks of women living with HIV and/or women’s/human rights groups at national, regional or global level.
  • Women from all WHO regions: at least two members with global level expertise; at least two members from the WHO Africa region; at least one member from the WHO South East Asia region; at least one member from the WHO Americas region; at least one member from the WHO Western Pacific Region; at least one member from the WHO Europe region; at least one member from the WHO Eastern Mediterranean region.
  • Diversity: women able to share a range of perspectives in relation to sexual orientation and gender identities; women who use drugs; women who engage in sex work; women from a broad age range including young women and women born with HIV; women with experience of multiple forms of discrimination including in the context of the health sector.
  • Familiarity with WHO’s work and mandate: women with experience of working with WHO and/or its key areas of work including those who can demonstrate links to the development and/or implementation of the Guideline on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV as well as women engaged in work ensure optimal HIV treatment in their communities and who will be available to support ITPC-led country consultations.

Members will be expected to demonstrate commitment to advancing progress for HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Women will be appointed in their individual capacity and will not be asked to represent their organizations. Advisory group members are not permitted to use the WHO name or logo or issue statements and/or communicate positions on behalf of WHO.

Advisory Group membership is voluntary. WHO will support the functioning and operations of the Advisory Group and will meet travel and per diem expenses for at least one annual meeting for the initial two-year period.

WHO anticipates four advisory group calls a year and one annual face to face meeting. Members will be asked to meet the following requirements to ensure the advisory group is optimal in its work:

  • a response to at least 80% of requests for written feedback;
  • attendance at all teleconferences or apologies for any non-attendance sent to meeting organizers;
  • ability to communicate in English.

Advisory Group Members will be free to resign at any time. Those who decide to step down are requested to alert WHO as soon as possible, to allow for the identification of a replacement. Ideally a minimum of one-month notice is requested. Members who fail to attend three teleconferences will be deemed to have withdrawn from the initiative.

The group will comprise of 15-18 members. Women living with HIV from partner organizations, for example UNAIDS and/or the Global Fund, may be invited to participate as partner observers. Women will be appointed for the initial two-year period proposed for the group at the discretion of WHO. WHO reserves the right to terminate participation of any member of the advisory group or the advisory group itself at any time.

Recommendations emerging from discussion are, by nature, non-binding and of an advisory nature. Where possible they should be achieved through consensus; where consensus is not possible majority and minority views can be represented.

A chair will be selected by WHO through a transparent process with advisory group members. She will serve for the initial two-year period. The chair will oversee the objectives and activities of the Advisory Group and will chair the annual face-to-face meeting.

Applicants will be asked to note that the first meeting of the Advisory Group will be held virtually through a Zoom or WebEx conference at 14:00 CET 10 May 2019.

The first full meeting will be held in September/October 2019.

Designated WHO HIV and RHR department focal points will manage the overall collaboration. Directors of the WHO departments of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) and HIV will ensure that advice emerging from the advisory group is communicated and considered appropriately within and across WHO.

Following closure of the application process WHO will identify 15-18 members for an initial conference call on 10 May 2019. The first call will include an agenda item focused on finalizing Advisory Group membership, identifying a chair and addressing any gaps within the group.


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