W4GF Webinar: CERVICAL CANCER: What’s being funded through the Global Fund? Where are the opportunities for partnership and engagement? Monday May 6th 15:00 – 16:30 (CAT)

Join W4GF on Monday, May 6th for a webinar on Cervical Cancer

Since 2006, globally, one third of countries have introduced HPV vaccination in the national vaccination schedule. However, large inequities exist: while 70% of high-income countries have introduced HPV vaccination, only 20% of middle-income and 6% of low-income countries have done so.

In May 2018, Dr Tedros, WHO Director General made a global call for action towards the ending cervical cancer as a public health concern.  The Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative includes seven UN agencies WHO, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN Women and an increasing number of partner organizations such as the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), GAVI, UNITAID, USAID, the Global Fund, and the World Bank. Under this initiative the WHO-led Secretariat leads seven working groups (WGs) which will identify and support accelerators for implementation and scale up of national services, as well as supporting a number of high burden countries. To keep up to date with progress click here.

As noted in a new community advocacy brief titled WOMEN ENGAGE!  LIVING WITH HIV AND CERVICAL CANCER:  A guide to our involvement in its Prevention, Screening and Early Diagnosis, Treatment and Research the WHO Secretariat announced in April a web-based consultation on the draft global strategy. The web-based consultation is open to Member States, organizations of the UN System, academics and non-State actors. This is a result of the WHO Executive Board decision to request the Director-General to develop, in consultation with Member States and other relevant stakeholders, a draft global strategy to accelerate cervical cancer elimination, with clear goals and targets for the period 2020–2030, for consideration by the Seventy-third World Health Assembly, through the Executive Board at its 146th session. The online survey is accessible here.

This webinar will focus on understanding the opportunities for W4GF to engage, existing challenges and what is working and needs to be scaled up. The discussion will include:

  • The Global Fund and its role within these broader initiatives and how the Global Fund is investing to achieve the global and national goals around cervical cancer
  • Updates from Technical partners on the key opportunities coming up and where we should invest our advocacy
  • Exploring the work of civil society partners and women living with HIV led responses to cervical cancer.

The webinar will include the following confirmed speakers:

  • Dr Paul Bloem, Expanded Programme on Immunization Plus, WHO
  • Ms Joan Chamungu, Executive Director, The Tanzania Network of Women Living with HIV (TNW+)
  • Ms Kreeneshni Govender, Programme Officer, Human Rights and Gender, UNAIDS
  • Ms Julie Torode, Deputy CEO and Director of Advocacy and Networks for the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
  • Mr Nicholas Furtado, Advisor RMNCAH_Health Systems Strengthening, Technical Advice and Partnerships, Global Fund Secretariat
  • Mr Dean Phiri, MOH Global Fund Manager, Zambia

Please RSVP to Sophie Dilmitis sophie@women4gf.org by this Friday, May 3rd

The webinar will take place on Monday May 6th across the following time zones. Double check time zones here for Harare 15:00 – 16:30 (CAT) here if your country is not on the list below:

  • Bolivia/New York: 9:00 – 10:30hrs
  • Cameroon/UK/Nigeria: 14:00 – 15:30hrs
  • Botswana/Lesotho/Malawi/Mozambique/Namibia/SouthAfrica/Swaziland/Switzerland/TheNetherlands/ Zambia/Zimbabwe: 15:00 – 16:30hrs
  • Kenya/Uganda/Tanzania/Kyiv: 16:00 – 17:30hrs
  • India: 18:30 – 20:00hrs
  • Bangkok: 20:00 – 21:30hrs


  • Follow this link https://zoom.us/j/545812774
  • Click on Join Meeting
  • You will receive a pop-up asking: ‘Do you want to run this application?’ Click ‘RUN‘ and this will take you to the join the meeting screen.
  • You can test your mic and speakers to see if they are working for the meeting – Click ‘Test Mic and Speaker‘ and close the window when you are finished.
  • To Join the Meeting – Click ‘Join Conference via mic and speaker’
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