Young Advocates Apply-Y+ Call for Applications: Board Member

All young, living with HIV Women4GlobalFund advocates who are engaged at the national levels should apply for this. This networks is important and we need more young people engaged in national processes that are directly linked to global networks of young people.  This is especially important when it comes to Global Fund national processes.

If you are a young person living with HIV, between the ages of 18-28 and are passionate about making a difference in your community, country, region and globally and are living in the following regions then this call is for you! Focus regions are: West and Central Europe, East and Southern Africa, North America, West and Central Africa.

Preference will be given to women and those who identify themselves as women including transgender individuals

Deadline: 7 November 2019

Y+ seeks diversity of age, key population representation and gender on the Y+ Board. Through having one seat for individuals and another for organisations, Y+ hopes to strike a balance between creating space for the diverse participation of young people living with HIV communities.

To find out more about eligibility, roles and responsibilities and requirements and how to apply click here. All application details and requirements are to be submitted in this google form

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