Navigating the Global Fund Allocation Cycle 2020-2022: Guide for Women4GlobalFund Advocates
Are you ready to influence your countries’ funding requests for the Global Fund’s 2020–2022 allocation cycle? Are you ready to advocate for gender-transformative programming? This guide summarises the most important structures, issues and approaches to ensure that proposals and final budgets and programmes are gender responsive. The guide is available in different formats and styles.

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- Guidance with infographics
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- Guidance as a powerpoint presentation without talking points
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The guidance is in three parts:
Section 1: What to know in advance
Overview of key processes, definitions and structures. This section discusses the following:
1.1 Country dialogue
1.2 Allocation letter
1.3 Prioritised Above Allocation Request (PAAR)
1.4 The five types of funding requests
1.5 The three windows in 2020 (when proposals can be submitted)
1.6 The review process for funding requests
Box 1. Key resources
Box 2. The importance and use of National Strategic Plans (NSPs)
Section 2: Where and how to be involved
Suggestions and observations about how, when and where W4GF Advocates might engage meaningfully in the process. This section discusses the following:
2.1 Prioritising planning
2.2 Applying for Technical Assistance (TA)
2.3 Gathering quality data and evidence
2.4 Requesting the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) schedule of meetings
2.5 Developing a strategy for inclusion
2.6 Understanding the application information and guidance
2.7 Reviewing the allocation letter and identifying priority areas
2.8 Formally reporting priority recommendations to the CCM and other stakeholders
2.9 Requesting a formal process to select Principal Recipients (PRs) and Sub-Recipients (SRs)
Box 3. What does it mean to ‘meaningfully engage’?
Box 4. What are focused application requirements?
Box 5. The Principal Recipients and Sub-recipients
Section 3: Additional suggestions and observations
Other issues Advocates might consider to influence Global Fund programmes. This section discusses the following:
3.1 Remaining engaged to the very end of the application process
3.2 Proportion of funding request allocated to commodities
3.3 Potential value and limits of catalytic investments, including matching funds
3.4 Absorption capacity