Don’t miss key vacancies at the Africa Constituency Bureau for the Global Fund

The Global Fund has two constituencies representing Africa namely the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) and West and Central Africa (WCA) constituencies. The two constituencies initiated governance reforms in 2012 with a twofold intent: to ensure that constituency priorities are reflected in Global Fund strategy and operational plans; and to strengthen the presence, voice and contributions of the constituencies, through their delegations, in all Global Fund processes. The constituencies adopted a new governance framework that amongst other things introduce the concept of establishing a joint ESA and WCA Bureau to support the Board members, alternates, committee members and delegates representing countries from these two constituencies. The Constituencies comprise a total of 47 countries.

The Africa Constituency Bureau (Bureau), headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ensures effective participation of Africa Constituencies in ESA and WCA in Global Fund Board processes. The Bureau supports more effective engagement, representation and participation of the Africa constituencies in Global Fund processes as well as enhancing the capacity of the Africa constituencies to shape Global Fund policies and processes.

Dont miss these vacancies – Francophone and Anglophones speakers are encouraged to apply.

Expressions if interest – for all these positions – should be sent, together with a full CV (MS word format) and supporting statement, highlighting your experience and skills against the requirements of the role should be directed to Info Mind Solutions, on or before Friday March 20th 2020. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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