The Global Fund’s Strategic Initiative to Find the Missing People with TB

The Global Fund’s Strategic Initiative to Find the Missing People with TB shares its new edition of its quarterly newsletter detailing the progress and results achieved in the 13 high TB or DR-TB burden countries, receiving this investment. They account for 75% of all people with drug-susceptible (DS)-TB and 55% of all people with drug-resistant (DR)-TB who are missed globally (baseline: end of 2015).

“In 2020, as countries prepare their national strategic plans and gear up for the next round of funding, we are looking forward to supporting our partners on the ground and working with the Global Fund on laying out the path to the future of the Strategic Initiative.”

To read the full newsletter and see what is happening around women and gender click here. To learn more about the latest available TB data in countries supported by the Global Fund’s Strategic Initiative you can visit this link.

If you have success stories or challenges in TB case finding please share these here Your work can soon feature on the Strategic Initiative online platform and in the newsletter!

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