New Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from the Global Fund Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative

Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative Five Requests for Proposals

The Global Fund has launched five Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in relation to the Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative, for the implementation period January 2021 to December 2023. They include the following:

  1. Long term capacity strengthening of HIV key population networks and organizations download in English
  2. Civil Society or Community Organization to host a Regional Platform for Coordination and Communication download in English
  3. Long term capacity strengthening of Community Networks and Organizations of People Affected by Tuberculosis (TB) download in English
  4. Long term capacity strengthening of community-led networks and organizations responding to malaria download in English
  5. Civil Society and Community Short-Term TA Provider download in English and in French (proposals must be submitted in English)

These are all posted on the Global Fund’s Business Opportunities page.

For opportunities no. 1-4, the deadline for questions is 21 August 2020 and the RFP closing date is 7 September 2020. 

For opportunity no. 5, the RFP closing date is 14 September 2020. 

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