Terms of Reference: Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) Programme Officer
Title: Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) Programme Officer
Reports to: W4GF Global Coordinator
Primary Functions: To support the day-to-day functions of the W4GF team; to coordinate involvement and inputs of W4GF Advocates, including mobilisation in countries
Timeline: May 2021 to May 2022
Contract Type: Part-time, 0.4 f.t.e. (2 days per week)
Duty Station: Work remotely
1. Background
W4GF was created in 2013 to the ensure that gender equality is central to the Global Fund. The early focus was on the transition from the rounds-based system to the new funding model and took steps to ensure that women meaningful participated in key decisions to move the Global Fund forward. At that time, the only Global Fund guidance on gender was the Gender Equality Strategy (GES) and research by the founders of W4GF found that the GES was poorly implemented in many countries. W4GF advocated for the GES action plan to support gender-sensitive and transformative programmes to address underlying vulnerabilities faced by women and girls, and took steps to support advocates to understand the Global Fund and to enhance gender equality at all levels. To read more about W4GF’s history, success and impact click here.
More than half a decade into its existence W4GF as a movement has seen transformation and growth through the extension of global partnerships. W4GF played a key role in ensuring that gender equality was elevated to a key strategic objective in the new Global Fund Strategy 2017 – 2022 Investing to End Epidemics. As a result, Global Fund systems, policies and approaches now seek to promote gender equality and meaningful participation of diverse women, to have the greatest impact on HIV, TB and malaria and we continue to advocate for the Global Fund to maintain a focus on gender equality.
W4GF’s vision is to live in a world where all women have equal access to HIV, TB and malaria services and the treatment they need and that all women enjoy their rights and are afforded the same status and respect as men in society.
W4GF’s Mission is to catalyse the power of women in all their diversity to advance gender equality through the Global Fund – one of the world’s most important finance mechanisms for HIV, TB and malaria. W4GF is designed to empower women to participate in decision-making at global and national levels, to ensure diverse voices influence how money is spent to achieve the greatest impact in communities, and to hold the Global Fund accountable for the impact of spending that will advance gender equality.
W4GF’s strength is rooted in building and sustaining connections among women in all of their diversity, and building an effective global movement. The core work of the W4GF team is to build, strengthen and sustain W4GF as a virtual network of diverse advocates to promote gender equality through the Global Fund; and to secure the infrastructure that will support their work and activities in a cohesive manner. The direction of W4GF is overseen by its Advisory Group, and informed by Key Collaborators at national level as well as other key stakeholders. W4GF works closely with key partners.
In addition to the core movement building, the W4GF team is guided by three objectives to sustain a platform for women in all their diversity:
- Objective 1: To improve awareness and understanding of Global Fund processes, policies and investment support among women in all their diversity around the world – so women of different backgrounds and experiences become stronger advocates, to influence how the Global Fund achieves gender equity and human rights at all levels;
- Objective 2: To create a platform where women make connections, learn from each other, strategize and collaborate to set priorities for Global Fund advocacy;
- Objective 3: To secure accountability for and critique of Global Fund investments: tracking Global Fund–supported programmes and services, and influencing global and national processes to inform stronger programming for women and girls.
2. Scope of the Work
The Programme Officer will provide support to the W4GF Global Coordinator to ensure W4GF is able to deliver on its mission and objectives. Specific objectives of this consultancy are to provide support to the W4GF Global Coordinator in day-to-day functions of the Team; to coordinate involvement and inputs of W4GF Advocates in the work of W4GF and support the mobilisation of W4GF Advocates in countries. This will include support to the activities and areas of work within the W4GF workplan, including to:
- Organise webinars – preparing information, communicating about the webinars and reporting on them, liaison with presenters
- Take notes of W4GF webinars, Advisory Group meetings and other key (virtual) meetings
- Maintain the website, and other social media platforms, including preparing articles and other texts
- Write short inspiration articles for the website bringing visibility to key issues, successes and challenges experienced by W4GF Advocates
- Prepare inputs for position papers and other resources being developed by W4GF
- Prepare inputs for presentations, other communications, funding proposals, grant reporting, annual reporting and other work led by the Global Coordinator
- Under the guidance of the Global Coordinator:
- Strengthen connections between young women engaged in Global Fund national processes and W4GF
- Liaise with W4GF advocates in implementing countries and with key global networks and stakeholder partner organisations/networks
- Represent W4GF in national, regional and international platforms and spaces as opportunities arise to advance W4GF’s core objectives.
- Any other areas of work as guided by the Global Coordinator.
3. Competencies
- Excellent oral and written communications skills with proven expertise to consolidate information from multiple sources and synthesise such information into coherent feedback.
- Ability to self-organise and work independently, remotely and remain flexible, while delivering quality work on time.
- Ability to communicate well and foster good spirits, build consensus amongst diverse groups of women and respect diversities: cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, professional and age sensitivity and adaptability.
- Ability to establish and foster good relations with women of all ages and gender quality advocates, and to support advocacy activities.
- Ability to plan, and prioritize the work with proven analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Capacity to work with and administer a broad range of technology, virtual systems, and online social media platforms and experience with WordPress a plus.
4. Required Experience
- University degree or five years equivalent of extensive development experience that combines policy analysis, dialogue and advocacy, capacity-building and knowledge management relating to gender equality/equity and women’s empowerment.
- Proven experience and ability to drive advocacy for women’s rights, engagement and social change, with a track record of substantive work to advance the rights of ALL women.
- Experience working with networks, with a solid understanding of challenges and concerns of women in all their diversity in community, civil society networks, or coalition settings.
- Familiarity with how the Global Fund works at the global and national level.
- Demonstrated commitment to the core values and principles of W4GF and willingness to pursue the vision and mission of W4GF.
Please complete the following form by May 13, 2021 if you are interested in this role. To download a printable version of this ToR please click here