Information Note on COVID-19 Testing

As vaccines are rolled out globally, testing remains a critical way to manage and monitor COVID-19 outbreaks. Without testing, we cannot track or contain the spread of the virus, address urgent clinical needs, refer patients for treatment, test the efficacy of vaccination, and detect the emergence of new variants.

A combination of different types of tests are needed to facilitate patient management and public health planning for effective control of COVID-19. The Global Fund encourages countries to include all appropriate types of tests when developing their COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19 RM) funding proposals.”

Testing is an important step to prevent long term effects that have socio and economic impact on our society. For example, testing is relevance to women, whose healthcare roles at work and in society increase their risk of exposure to COVID-19. Women make up 70% of the health care force and are the primary caregivers for children and adult relatives and women make up 60% of teachers globally. It is important for women – in healthcare settings and beyond to be able to access testing and to understand the different types of tests available on the market.

If you want to know a little more around COVID-19 testing and other consideratons click here

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