On Thursday 22 July 2021 at a Global Fund Extraordinary Board Meeting (EBM) the Strategy Framework 2023-2028 was approved. This includes a standalone objective on maximising health equity, gender equality and human rights. Click here to see more in full.

Prior to the Board meeting W4GF submitted a statement to welcome the mutually reinforcing objectives that includes people and communities at the centre of the response.
W4GF reminded the Global Fund Board of promises made in the Global Fund’s Gender Equality Strategy. Many of these promises remain unmet and important and must be clearly articulated in this Strategy Framework narrative as it moves forward. W4GF called on the Global Fund Board to ensure that these four areas are clearly articulated in the narrative so that the next Global Fund Strategy builds on what we know needs to happen to make a difference in the lives of women and girls. This includes:
- Developing a robust accountability framework on gender equality linked to KPIs to show progress
- Ensuring a well-resourced team on gender equality across the Global Fund
- Providing direct funding for communities
- Meaningfully engaging communities and networks of women in developing the narrative.
If you want to know more about what happened at the EBM and the proposed amendments raised by the West and Central Africa (WCA) and East and Southern Africa (ESA) Implementer Constituencies then don’t miss this summary on aidspan.
The Developing NGO Delegation also released an update today and they call on us to remain engaged.
While we are pleased that the Strategic Framework has been approved, reflecting many of our key asks, we urge that the Strategy narrative outlines how we will work differently to achieve impact, while committing to community leadership, equity, human rights and gender equality
The Global Fund Strategic Framework highlights the importance of community leadership, health equity and human rights and gender equality
Their update includes important information as well as a reminder of key dates copied below. The next important deadline will be 1 September when the draft strategy narrative will be circulated for review.