During the Stop TB Board Meeting, 19-20 May 2022, community and civil society partners were joined by WHO, the Global Fund, donors and the private sector constituency to launch the update TB language guide Words Matter. Significantly, Words Matter will also be full incorporated into the new Global Plan to End TB 2023-2030.
Words hold power, and for many people affected by TB, the stigma associated with the words used can be one of the most significant barriers they experience.
The guidance builds on the Every Word Counts document and includes a range of updates relating to TB, human rights and innovations. This was the first language guide for partners and stakeholders working in TB. It includes an extensive glossary, a section of words that should not be used, and also a section of words that may be used in certain contexts but where sensitivities remain.
It is envisaged that it will be adapted to other languages (and contexts) as next steps.