Our Position for the 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi

Many women-led movements and organizations, including W4GF, were unable to attend the Conference.

We wanted that our collective messages reach decision-makers at the Conference, leading to a more gender-comprehensive Outcome Package that reaches key stakeholders. These include the Summit of the Future Co-Facilitators, the UN Office of the President of the General Assembly, UN Member States, international organizations, and other civil society partners. This will pave the way for a future defined by collaboration and meaningful participation of women and girls in all their diversity.

As the 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference took place in Nairobi from May 8th to the 10th, we reaffirm our commitment as active advocates for gender equality and women’s rights, particularly within the context of global health and the Global Fund’s efforts against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. It is imperative to highlight health topics’ inclusion, progress, and engagement in this Conference and the Summit of the Future. We advocate for a gender-sensitive and transformative approach to addressing the most pressing challenges faced by women and girls in all their diversity.

Key Messages:

  1. Empower Women and Girls: Women and girls must be at the forefront of decision-making processes to influence policies and demand accountability for health and well-being.
  2. Address Urgent Health Needs: The conference must prioritize gender-sensitive approaches to combat HIV, TB, and Malaria, which disproportionately affect women and girls.
  3. Invest in Education and Health: Urgent investments are needed to close gaps in education and health services, crucial for preventing diseases and promoting equality.
  4. Gender Equality Now: The international community must accelerate efforts to end gender-based violence and discrimination, aiming for true gender equality and sustainable development.
  5. Concrete Commitments: Move beyond rhetoric and make tangible commitments to sustain funding and actions for gender equity and the health rights of women and girls.
Posted in News and Updates, Past Events, W4GF News and Updates, Webinars