W4GF calls for gender equity in global health policies during the 77th World Health Assembly

In our position note, we underscore the necessity for equitable access to healthcare for women and girls, integrating sexual and reproductive health services into universal health coverage (UHC). Effective UHC plans must include demographic and gender-disaggregated data, financial accessibility, community health worker training, and infrastructure improvements. Our Community-Led Monitoring in India, Tanzania, and Cameroon exemplifies how tracking HIV, TB, Malaria, and SRHR programs enhances effectiveness and gender equality.

As the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) convenes in Geneva from May 27 to June 1, 2024, under the theme “A World Mobilised for Health, Health for Everyone,” Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) seeks to spotlight critical demands for gender equity in global health policies.

W4GF is a global network of 350 advocates spanning 72 countries, predominantly from the Global South, dedicated to ensuring gender-sensitive and transformative Global Fund projects that address the needs of women and girls in their diversity. Our mission is to empower women, particularly youth, to engage in decision-making processes, influence policies, and demand accountability to improve health and well-being, focusing on HIV, TB, and Malaria, which disproportionately affect us.

We advocate for gender-transformative health emergency responses, emphasizing tailored services for women and girls, mobile health centers, and humanitarian worker training. Strengthening community health systems, as demonstrated by women community health workers during COVID-19, and collecting gender-specific data for informed responses are crucial.

W4GF calls for robust policies to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, ensuring safe environments for women and girls in the health sector. We support integrating these initiatives into WHA discussions, particularly through “fund her health” initiatives and strategic investments in SHRH services.

By leveraging partnerships with Global Fund programs, focusing on HIV/AIDS response and gender-based violence, and advocating for inclusive policies in the Draft Global Action Plan for Infection Prevention and Control, we aim to ensure equitable health systems that respect and uphold the rights and safety of women and girls globally.

Join us in advocating for these essential changes at the WHA to ensure that health for everyone includes gender equity and the empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity.

Posted in News and Updates, Past Events, W4GF News and Updates, Webinars