Join Us at the AIDS2024 Conference: Empowering Women to Lead in the Fight Against HIV and TB

As we approach the AIDS2024 Conference, Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) is excited to invite all attendees to join a transformative workshop dedicated to empowering women in the global fight against HIV and TB. This workshop, “Letting Women Lead to Fight the HIV/TB Pandemics: Empowering Women for Effective Global Fund Programming,” promises to be a pivotal event focused on gender-sensitive and transformative health services.

Workshop Details

Date: July 24th
Time: 09:00 AM
Venue: H4 Hotel München Messe, GFAN Meeting Room

Workshop Focus

This workshop will equip participants with the tools and skills necessary for effective gender-transformative engagement in Global Fund processes. Our agenda includes:

  • Evidence-based advocacy
  • Gender-sensitive programming and monitoring
  • Utilization of GC7 supportive guides
  • Exploration of CCM data dashboards

Why This Workshop Matters

W4GF is a global movement that brings together women’s rights advocates, especially women living with HIV and those directly affected by TB and malaria, to advance gender equality through the Global Fund. We mobilize women in all their diversity to ensure that the Global Fund supports programs meeting the rights and needs of women and girls.

Our mission is to ensure that diverse voices are central to the conversation about what the Global Fund does and where the money is spent, to have the greatest impact on our world and our communities. We are dedicated to ensuring that women in all their diversity have access to the health services and treatments they need, free from stigma and discrimination.

Meet Our Speakers

  • Jennifer Sherwood: Director of Research, Public Policy at amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research
  • Anu Karunanithy: Malaysian AIDS Council, RISE Steering Committee Member
  • Lesley Odendal: Global Health Expert and W4GF Steering Group Chair
  • Andrea Guillem: Communications Lead at Women4GlobalFund

Your Participation Matters

We believe that gender-transformative approaches are crucial in addressing the root causes of gender inequality. This workshop is an opportunity to learn, share, and collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to making a difference.

To participate, please scan the QR code on the invitation or let us know your willingness to join us by registering here.

Together, we can push for changes for women in all their diversity, wherever they live. Let’s ensure that the Global Fund resources go where they are most needed and where they will change lives.

Join us in Munich and be part of this vital movement. Let’s make sure that women’s voices lead the way in the fight against HIV and TB. For more information, contact us at

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