From Promises to Progress: A call to Action during 2024 WHS and UNITE Global Summit

Financing Global Health Solutions for women and girls in all their diversity and the fight against HIV, TB and Malaria

The 2024 World Health Summit and UNITE Global Summit highlight a critical moment to address global health challenges, especially the fight against HIV, TB, and malaria. These pandemics disproportionately affect women and girls in all their diversity, who often face barriers to healthcare access, compounded by climate change, inequality, armed conflict, and anti-gender movements.

Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) calls on governments and Parliamentarians to turn their commitments into concrete action by supporting the 8th Replenishment of the Global Fund. Investing in gender-transformative health programs will ensure more inclusive health and community systems, meeting the specific needs of women and girls, and securing equitable health outcomes for all.

Why it matters

  • Women and girls are essential health leaders and advocates, yet they continue to face systemic barriers
  • Sustainable health funding is necessary to combat pandemics and improve access to comprehensive care
  • Global solidarity through targeted investments will build resilient, inclusive, and gender-equitable health systems.

Join Us!

Add your voice to From Promises to Progress by endorsing W4GF’s call to action. Together, we can secure gender-transformative funding through the Global Fund to meet the rights and needs of women and girls everywhere.

Endorse today—let’s turn promises into progress!

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