Calling gender champions! Stop TB Partnership launches 2-month online consultation for the Global Plan to Stop TB 2016-2020

Provide comments – based on the top line questions asked around gender, women and girls on the introduction and the seven main chapters that make up the Global Plan to Stop TB. The consultation period will run through till 10 August 2015.

The Stop TB Partnership has launched the online consultation on the first public draft of the Global Plan to Stop TB 2016-2020. The consultation process is open to everyone to share information, ideas and experiences, and, will run from 10 June to 10 August 2015.

The development of the Global Plan seeks to be as inclusive as possible and the online consultation aims to reflect a diverse range of input in the Plan update, including the voices of people and professional groups and TB constituencies who may not have been reached previously.

If the Global Plan succeeds in reflecting the ambitions and aspirations of people fighting TB around the world, and manages to build a solid and engaging business case for why the world can save millions of lives and billions of dollars by scaling up the fight against the disease, it can become a forceful tool in advocacy, planning and budgeting.

Since its creation, the Stop TB Partnership has issued five and ten-year Global Plans to provide a road map for concerted global advocacy action, and to provide an estimate for the resources needed to achieve the goals that the world has set.

The current Global Plan provides a “business case” for the period 2016-2020 for the investment needed to set the world on the right track to reach the WHO End TB Strategy goals by 2035. It is meant as an instrument for those working with TB and those allocating funding, setting realistic budgets and making national plans.

To achieve WHO’s End TB Strategy goals, significant changes need to be made to the way most countries organize and run their TB interventions and programmes, and we need to see significant acceleration in research and development of new drugs, diagnostics tools and a vaccine.

In addition to this online consultation, the Global Plan to Stop TB 2016-2020 is informed by the outcomes of four regional consultation meetings held in Addis Ababa (6 May), Bangkok (23 June), Istanbul (23-24 July) and Panama (tbc – 1 September).

The Global Plan will be launched at the end of the year in Cape Town, South Africa during the 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health. Twitter hashtag: #globalplanstoptb

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