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Cecilia Lodonu-Senoo is a human right and gender advocate and a public health specialist and sociologist. Cecilia works demonstrates her commitment to human rights and the empowerment of women and youth. Cecilia’s skills are in HIV psychosocial counselling, social & behaviour change, capacity building, advocacy and providing strategic developmental interventions. In June 2001 Cecilia founded a community-based women and youth focused organisation called Hope for Future Generations. Cecilia mobilised and developed the leadership skills, treatment literacy and sexual and reproductive health and rights education for 91 women and girls living with HIV. From 2006 – 2010 Cecilia was the President of the Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA) Ghana. In 2010 Cecilia co-developed positive living toolkit and trained 150 women, their sexual partners and young people living with HIV in the Central region of Ghana. Under this project Cecilia screened 1,120 people living with HIV for TB and referred cases for treatment. Under the Global Fund Round 8, Hope for Future Generations was SSR under ADRA Ghana and implemented HIV anti stigma campaigns in two regions of Ghana, providing education on HIV treatment adherence, care and support. In 2010 – 2013 Cecilia established a project for 25 women living with HIV, that contributed to their nutrition and socioeconomic status in society. The project supported the education of 21 orphans and vulnerable children, provided nutritional and educational materials up to secondary school and continued to support access to University. Cecilia is currently the technical Advisor for SWAA Ghana.