This is where it all starts.
Countries gather together as stakeholders – including women, in all their diversity – to decide what the priority needs are. This is how W4GF Advocates can start to have their voices heard to shape what the country does, and what programs get funded by the Global Fund.
Country dialogues are of outmost importance as people especially women affected by the three disease, HIV, TB and malaria get an opportunity to influence the choices that are made that the Global Fund should fund.
To better influence the process and the decisions made, partner with your Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) representatives of your constituency. Each constituency has CCM representatives. They can share the when, where and how the country dialogues will take place. Partnering with other organisations in the constituency ensures you speak in one voice and have concrete asks that can be backed up by data and experiences of your fellow colleagues. Writing the asks down and sharing with the CCM reps and other key stakeholders makes the asks more formal as the collective needs of the community.
The preparation is a key ingredient to getting your ideas and needs being part of the funding request to the global and ultimately being funded. The other key ingredient is to attend the country dialogues so that what is on paper is backed up by real experiences of communities. Attend the dialogue and make your voices heard.